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    Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

    Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) is a strengths-based program that serves children up to age 21. The program is certified through the New York State Department of Health and provides services and support to families to prevent out of home placement for their child. HCBS provides opportunities for children and families where they are most comfortable — at home or in the community.

    Services include:

    • Pre-vocational Services – Development and instruction of youth in career skills, volunteer work, coaching in resume writing, interviewing skills, job application completion, and other soft skills necessary for employment.
    • Supported Employment – On site employment, transportation to and from work, job finding, and working with employers.
    • Caregiver Family Support and Services – Education, advocacy, and support resources to develop family/caregivers ability to independently access community services Guidance regarding chronic illness.
    • Community Self-Advocacy Training and Supports – Training (one-on-one or group) for the child/youth and/or the family/caregiver regarding methods and behaviors to enable success in the community.
    • Crisis Respite – Short-term care and intervention strategy for children/youth and their families as a result of a child’s mental health/substance use crisis event.
    • Planned Respite – Planned short-term relief for family/caregivers that are needed to enhance the family/caregiver’s ability to support the child/youth’s functional, mental health/substance use disorder and/or health care issues.

    These services support children as they work toward goals and achievements, and help them to be successful at home, in school, and in other environments. HCBS offers personal, flexible services to meet the health, mental health, and/or developmental needs of each child.

    Who can get these services?

    Medicaid-eligible children, under the age of 21. Enrollment in the program is voluntary and no fees are charged to the family. Staff meet with the family/child in their home and other locations chosen by the family.

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